Our Trusted Brands

We proudly collaborate with leading names in the industry to bring you the finest selection of cigars, vapes, and shisha products. Each brand is carefully chosen for its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Experience premium craftsmanship and a variety of flavors from the brands you trust.

Top Categories

Explore our curated selection of top categories, each offering a premium variety of products designed to satisfy every preference. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or just starting, our range covers everything you need to elevate your experience.

Flavour Selector

Not sure which flavor suits your mood? Our Flavour Selector makes it easy to find the perfect taste for your next session. Whether you prefer bold and intense or smooth and sweet, simply browse through our wide range of options to discover your ideal match.

Find Your Cigar

Discover the perfect cigar from our premium collection, tailored for every taste. From bold to mild, each blend offers a unique smoking experience crafted for true connoisseurs.

Explore Our Exquisite Product Range

Discover our extensive collection of premium cigars, vapes, and shisha, designed to elevate your smoking experience. We take pride in offering a diverse range of products that cater to every palate and preference. Explore our three highlighted categories to find your next favorite:

Original price was: AED 157.50.Current price is: AED 140.70.

AED 450.45

AED 548.10

Original price was: AED 241.50.Current price is: AED 228.90.

AED 1,573.95

AED 313.95

Original price was: AED 693.00.Current price is: AED 678.04.

Original price was: AED 577.50.Current price is: AED 556.50.

Original price was: AED 157.50.Current price is: AED 140.70.

AED 450.45

AED 548.10

Original price was: AED 241.50.Current price is: AED 228.90.

AED 1,573.95

AED 313.95

Original price was: AED 693.00.Current price is: AED 678.04.

Original price was: AED 577.50.Current price is: AED 556.50.

Original price was: AED 157.50.Current price is: AED 140.70.

AED 450.45

AED 548.10

Original price was: AED 241.50.Current price is: AED 228.90.

AED 1,573.95

AED 313.95

Original price was: AED 693.00.Current price is: AED 678.04.

Original price was: AED 577.50.Current price is: AED 556.50.

Arabic Shisha Products

Experience the rich flavors of our premium Russian tobacco and shisha. Each blend is crafted to deliver a unique smoking experience, combining traditional craftsmanship with exceptional quality. Elevate your sessions with the authentic taste of Russia.

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